For those of you who want to know about How to Break Through the Scopus Journal, you can see this article until it's finished!
For you students or other academics, being able to publish a journal or scientific work indexed by Scopus is an achievement in itself. As we know, there are many journals that have been published from all over the world and with different research. Now, to review these different studies, a database is needed. One of the databases is Scopus.
Get to know Scopus
For those of you who don't know Scopus at all, please refer to the discussion below.
We can call SCOPUS a database or center for journals that already have standards and reputation at the international level.
You need to know that Scopus is under the auspices of a publication company called Elsevier, which is located in Amsterdam, The Netherlands. The Scopus database has indexed more than 22,000 article titles from more than 5,000 publishers worldwide. Of course, before we provide information about how to penetrate, we have to get to know Scopus more deeply. So journals that have been successfully indexed by Scopus on average have a high reputation on an international scale. This is a challenge for those of you who want to make a journal so that it can be indexed by the Scopus database.
The function of Scopus is to link all articles that have been compiled into a portal, which is a place to assess the achievements of researchers from all countries in the world. Scopus also has its own scoring system called SJR/Scrimago Journal Rank. Not only assessing SJR, it also looks at and measures the scientific impact of the journal or scientific article.
In fact, there are many indexation services, and Scopus is one of them. But if your journal or article is successfully indexed by Scopus, of course your scientific work is of high quality and will be recognized internationally.
How to Penetrate Scopus Journals
Tips for making your journal indexable by Scopus are as follows. Please refer to the discussion below:
1. Make a Journal With a Minimum of 20 References
The first way to penetrate the Scopus journal is to make a journal with a minimum of 20 references.
It is true that making a journal with at least 20 references is not easy. But you can do this as a first step to strengthen your writing. The number of references is a consideration whether your journal can be recognized.
2. Write an Article with a Team
When making a quality journal, behind it is a research that has quality teamwork as well. By having colleagues who support each other, the research task will become lighter. With good colleagues, you can strengthen each other and perfect the scientific articles you make. If necessary, you can also invite the collaboration of other authors who have previously published their writings on Scopus. This method is very effective for making journal editors able to pass your writing.
3. Maximum Writing Plagiarism Value of 15%
In scientific journal writing, plagiarism is unacceptable. Usually the authors use a software or application to check whether their writing contains plagiarism. You need to know that you can use these applications for free and you can also pay to unlock other features. Make sure the plagiarism value does not exceed 15%. Because currently the journal article with the highest rating on Scopus requires that the plagiarism value does not exceed 15%. And for the lowest Scopus ranked article, the maximum plagiarism value is 20%, so the smaller the plagiarism value, the greater the chance of your journal being indexed by Scopus.
4. Avoid Entering Papers into Predatory Journals
This predatory journal is where the origin of the journal publication is unknown and you should also avoid this because it can make your journal immediately rejected by Scopus. How do you recognize this predatory journal? The answer is as follows, a really high-quality journal will not send invitations to other users to download papers in their journals. For a more detailed discussion, please refer to the following discussion.
5. Lots of Practicing
Of course, practicing writing scientific articles can get your journal indexed by international databases like Scopus. For example, learning to write quality and interesting foreign languages. And also for the theme it doesn't have to be about the latest science and technology. If you are not familiar with these things, please practice writing by discussing themes or topics that are easy for you to master. Of course having a Scopus indexed journal is a matter of pride.
Effective Tips to Penetrate Scopus Journals
So, we have presented several ways to penetrate the Scopus journal that you can do, here are some additional tips from us so that your journal can penetrate the Scopus journal. For those of you who have tried submitting Scopus journals and still failing, please refer to the following discussion.
It will be easier and faster if you enter journals into conferences with Scopus journal output.
Easier right? Because usually the conference organizer gives a lot of power to the journals that are accepted. So the chances of being indexed by Scopus will be greater.
This method is also faster because it has a delivery time for journals and papers which are usually available within one year. Not only that, due to time constraints, some conference reviewers will complete the review process very quickly.
These two things can be an easy way to pass or be indexed by Scopus.