The benefits of reed roots for health are very diverse. This natural ingredient has long been used as a traditional medicine to treat various conditions, ranging from toothache, stomach pain, to heartburn.
In Indonesia, traditional medicine or herbal medicine is often used to relieve various complaints. Not surprisingly, many natural ingredients are used as medicine, one of which is the root of reeds (Imperata cylindrica).
The health benefits of reed roots are believed to be very diverse because reed roots contain many important compounds and nutrients, such as saponins, flavonoids, calcium, and potassium.
Benefits of Reed Roots
To get the benefits of reed roots, you can consume the boiled water. The following are some of its health benefits:
1. Reducing pain
In the roots of reeds there is an anti-inflammatory content. This makes the consumption of boiled water from the roots of reeds able to overcome the pain that arises due to inflammation in the body.
Therefore, you can make reed roots as a natural pain reliever to treat several conditions, such as toothache, stomach pain, and headaches.
2. Defuse internal heat
The roots of reeds can be used as a heartburn remedy. The reason is, the content of antioxidants, anti-inflammatories, and antibacterial contained in the roots of reeds can relieve heartburn.
Apart from that, to overcome heartburn, you are also advised to drink lots of water, get enough sleep, and eat healthy food so that your body can get back fit.
3. Prevent liver damage
Although it needs further research, research shows that reed roots are useful for preventing liver damage caused by consuming alcoholic beverages.
The benefits of reed roots can be obtained thanks to the antioxidant content. Antioxidants can prevent liver tissue damage from getting worse, one of which is due to excessive alcohol exposure.
However, it does not mean that the impact of liver damage due to excessive alcohol consumption can be suppressed by consuming reed roots alone. To prevent it to the fullest, people with liver disease need to stop drinking alcoholic beverages.
4. Maintain bone health
Consumption of reed roots can maintain bone health. This benefit comes from the mineral content in it, such as calcium and potassium.
Calcium is needed to maintain bone density and strength, while potassium is needed to minimize wasting calcium through urine. This means that these two minerals are essential for maintaining strong, healthy bones.
5. Maintain heart health
The content of antioxidants in the roots of reeds is also needed to maintain heart health. This benefit is inseparable from the role of antioxidants in counteracting the effects of exposure to free radicals that are harmful to the body.
Excess free radicals can make bad cholesterol (LDL) stick or accumulate in the arteries and form plaques. Plaque can make blood vessels narrow, reducing blood flow to the heart. In effect, the risk of heart disease also increases.
The benefits of reed roots for health are varied, but that does not mean that this natural ingredient can be used as the only medicine to treat certain diseases. Therefore, you should consult a doctor before using reed roots, especially if you suffer from certain medical conditions.