Benefits of Purslane, Can Maintain Eye Health to Prevent Stroke

Not many people know that the benefits of purslane are numerous. Although often considered a weed, this plant actually contains a variety of important nutrients for the body. In fact, the content of vitamin A in purslane is higher than broccoli, you know.

The benefits of purslane are very well known in the world of traditional medicine. In fact, the owner of the Latin name Portulaca oleracea L. is known by Chinese medicine as "Vegetables for Longevity". This means that consuming this plant is proven to make the body healthy and avoid various types of diseases.

Nutrients Contained in Purslane

Purslane contains nutrients that are quite complete, but with varying levels. Purslane is a plant that is low in sugar and calories, but high in potassium, iron, vitamin A, vitamin C and magnesium.

Some of the other nutrients contained in this green plant are carbohydrates, protein, fat, calcium, phosphorus, zinc, copper, selenium, choline, folic acid, or omega-3 fatty acids.

A line of Purslane Benefits for Health

Thanks to these ingredients, here are the various benefits of purslane for health:

1. Healthy eyes

In 100 grams of purslane contains more than 1000 IU of vitamin A. This vitamin is known as an important nutrient for maintaining the health of the sense of sight. Adequate daily intake of vitamin A can prevent vision problems, such as night blindness and macular degeneration.

2. Prevent strokes

Narrowing of blood vessels due to plaque buildup from high blood fats can increase the risk of stroke. Well, one of the benefits of purslane is that it can prevent strokes.

You see, purslane contains omega-3 fatty acids that can help lower levels of fat in the blood, including triglycerides. In addition, purslane also contains potassium, which is also good for heart and blood vessel health.

By maintaining the health of the heart and blood vessels, it is hoped that the risk of stroke and related diseases will increase

3. Maintain healthy bones and teeth

Purslane contains a number of minerals that are good for maintaining healthy bones and teeth, including calcium, magnesium, and also phosphorus. Bone health that is maintained early will reduce the risk of developing osteoporosis.

4. Maintain endurance

Besides being rich in vitamin A, purslane also contains vitamin C. Adequate need for these two vitamins can maintain the health of cells in the immune system. That way, the immune system will be stronger and the risk of disease, including infectious diseases, will decrease.

5. Counteract the effects of exposure to free radicals

A number of nutrients contained in purslane, such as beta carotene, alpha tocopherol, to ascorbic acid, are known to have antioxidant effects. Antioxidants can counteract the effects of exposure to free radicals.

The effects of exposure to free radicals can vary, ranging from inflammation to an increased risk of cancer. By consuming foods that contain high antioxidants, it is hoped that the risk of cancer and damage to cells and tissues due to exposure to free radicals can also be reduced.

6. Has potential as cosmetic raw material

The content of compounds with antioxidant effects, such as ascorbic acid, beta carotene, alpha tocopherol, and glutathione, as well as omega 3 fatty acids, makes purslane a potential raw material for making beauty products.

The combination of all these nutrients is known to help wound healing and has an antimicrobial effect. In fact, this one plant has long been used as a topical medication to treat local inflammatory conditions on the skin.

7. Hydrates the body

Purslane contains quite a lot of water, so it's no wonder if it is consumed directly or processed into the food menu, including soup, this plant is believed to be able to help meet the body's daily fluid needs.

A well-hydrated body will increase concentration, maintain digestive tract health, maintain body temperature balance, prevent kidney disorders, and even help maintain heart health.

8. Reducing cramps during menstruation

Compared to bananas, you need to know, here, that purslane actually contains potassium in higher amounts, you know. Potassium is one of the minerals needed to make muscles more relaxed and not tense, so it can reduce cramps during menstruation.

In addition, consuming purslane seeds is also believed to reduce heavy bleeding (menorrhagia) in some women.

9. Make sleep better

Not many people know that purslane is a natural source of melatonin. Balanced hormone levels can help overcome sleep disturbances and can even help you fall asleep faster. Hence, some people consume purslane to make sleep better and quality.

How, quite a lot are not the benefits of purslane for health? To get all these benefits, you can consume it immediately after washing it clean, process it into a vegetable salad, sauté it as a side dish, and make it into pesto or a sauce for pasta.

However, if you are currently pregnant, breastfeeding, or have a history of bladder stones, you should consult your doctor first before consuming purslane. Apart from not having research that definitively states its safety in these groups, this plant contains high enough oxalic acid, so it can be dangerous for people with kidney stones.

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