Fever in Babies, Here Are the Things to Watch Out for and How to Overcome It

Fever in babies often worries parents. Not a few parents immediately rushed their babies to the doctor when they had a fever. In fact, fever in babies is not always dangerous and can be treated independently at home.

Basically, fever in babies is a sign that the baby's body is fighting disease or infection. The appearance of this fever is considered as proof that the body's immune system is working properly. Babies can be said to have a fever if their body temperature reaches 38 degrees Celsius or more.

Things to Watch Out for When a Fever Occurs in Babies

Even though fever in babies doesn't always indicate a dangerous condition, there are some serious signs that parents should watch out for when their little one has a fever. Following are some of them:

  • No appetite or lack of desire to breastfeed
  • Looks lethargic and unenthusiastic when asked to play
  • Unresponsive
  • A rash appears on the skin
  • Vomiting or diarrhea
  • Shortness of breath or seizures.

In addition, fever can also trigger dehydration which is characterized by symptoms, such as dry mouth, no tears when crying, rarely or not urinating at all after a few hours, or diapers that are not as wet as usual.

If a fever in a baby is accompanied by a number of signs as above, especially if the baby is less than 3 months old, immediately consult your little one to the doctor to get the right treatment. Sometimes doctors also need blood tests or urine tests to find out if there is a serious infection, such as meningitis or pneumonia.

How to Measure Baby's Body Temperature

To find out whether your baby has a fever or not, you can measure his body temperature using a thermometer. It is recommended to measure the baby's body temperature through the anus, because this part is considered more accurate than the mouth, armpit or ear.

Before measuring your little one's body temperature, make sure the thermometer that you use to check fever in your baby is hygienic and has been washed clean using soap or alcohol.

Position your little one on his stomach or back with his legs bent towards his chest, then slowly insert a thermometer that has been smeared with petroleum jelly into the anus to a depth of about 1–2.5 cm. Hold the thermometer for 2 minutes.

If using a digital thermometer, hold it until you hear a "beep" sound from the thermometer. After that, pull slowly and read the results.

Apart from that, you can also use an infrared thermometer to measure your little one's body temperature. This thermometer is easy to use, can give results quickly, and is safer to prevent the transmission of harmful bacteria and viruses, including COVID-19.

How to Overcome Fever in Babies

To deal with fever in babies aged 3 months and over, there are several simple ways that you can do as initial treatment at home. Some of these ways are:

1. Bathe with warm water

A warm bath can help lower the baby's body temperature, improve breathing, and make the baby's body more relaxed. When bathing your little one with a fever, make sure the water used is warm enough, not hot or too cold.

Using water that is too cold to bathe your little one who has a fever will actually cause him to shiver and make the baby's fever worse.

2. Wear comfortable clothes

Dress your little one in clothes that are comfortable and not too thick. This can make his body feel cool and not too hot. If your baby's fever causes them to shiver, cover them with a cloth or a light baby blanket.

3. Keep the room temperature

Make sure the room temperature remains cool and comfortable for your little one by turning on the air conditioner or fan. The ideal room temperature for babies is around 20–22°C. However, try not to point the air conditioner or fan directly at your little one's body so you don't get cold.

4. Meet the needs of body fluids

Fever in babies can cause your little one to experience dehydration. For this reason, when your little one has a fever, make sure Mother always gives him adequate fluid intake, such as breast milk, formula milk or water. That way, the risk of dehydration during a fever can be avoided.

5. Give fever-reducing drugs

If necessary, Mother can also give your little one a fever-reducing drug, such as paracetamol. However, you should first consult a doctor before giving any medicine to your baby.

Those are some ways to deal with fever in babies that you can do. If after trying the various methods above but the baby's fever does not improve and even gets worse within 24 hours, immediately take your little one to the nearest hospital or doctor for further examination and treatment.

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