On Tuesday, Xiaomi TV X series was introduced in India. The smart TVs, which come in four sizes, have a 4K display with a 60Hz refresh rate and Dolby Vision support. They have a 3,840 x 2,160 pixel screen resolution. The smart TVs have 30W stereo speakers and Bluetooth 5.0 connectivity. In addition, they have a new PatchWall+ software for live TV and Xiaomi's own PatchWall system. Additionally, the ARM Cortex-A55 processor and Mali G52 MP1 GPU power the Xiaomi TV X series.
Price and availability of the Xiaomi TV X series
The prices for the Xiaomi TV X series' four sizes—43 inches, 50 inches, 55 inches, and 65 inches—are, respectively, Rs. 28,999, Rs. 34,999, Rs. 39,999, and Rs. 61,999. Starting on August 4 at noon, Mi.com and Xiaomi retail locations will sell the smart TVs. The business is also giving selected bank cards an instant discount of Rs. 3,000.
Features and specifications of the Xiaomi TV X series
The 4K bezel-less display on the Xiaomi TV X series supports Dolby Vision, HDR10, and the Reality Flow MEMC engine. The TVs also provide a 60Hz refresh rate. They have 30W stereo speakers and Dolby Audio, DTS Virtual:X, and DTS:X for audio.
The ARM Cortex-A55 processor, Mali G52 MP1 GPU, 2GB RAM, and 8GB of storage power the newest Xiaomi TV X series. They use the most recent Google TV operating system. The TVs also include built-in Google Assistant, Play Store, ambient mode, support for multiple profiles, and Chromecast.
Additionally, the recently released smart TV series comes with a new PatchWall+ software and Xiaomi's proprietary PatchWall system. Additionally, they provide Kids Mode with Parental Lock. The TVs' connectivity options include Wi-Fi 802.11 a/b/g/n/ac and Bluetooth 5.0. Additionally, they have a variety of ports, including three HDMI 2.1 ports, two USB ports, and a 3.5mm port.