Various Fruit Choices for Young Pregnant Women Recommended

Almost all fruits are good for consumption. However, there are several choices of fruit for young pregnant women with certain nutritional content that can support the growth and development of the baby in the womb.

Fruit is a healthy food that is recommended for consumption during pregnancy. Fruit can provide the intake of vitamins and minerals needed by the fetus for its growth and development. In addition, consumption of fruit during young pregnancy can also reduce constipation complaints that often occur during pregnancy.

Various Fruit Choices for Young Pregnant Women

The following are some types of fruit that are good for consumption by young pregnant women:

1. Avocado

Avocado is a good fruit for young pregnant women. This fruit is rich in folic acid which can support the development of fetal nerves. In addition, the potassium contained in avocados is useful for alleviating the symptoms of morning sickness which often occurs in the early trimester of pregnancy.

2. Papaya

Ripe papaya is safe for consumption by young pregnant women. Ripe papaya contains important nutrients that are good for pregnant women, such as vitamin A, B vitamins, vitamin C, folic acid and fiber. By consuming papaya regularly, constipation which is often complained of during pregnancy can also be prevented.

However, unripe papaya is not recommended for consumption by pregnant women, because it contains latex which can trigger uterine contractions.

3. Oranges

Oranges are also a fruit that is good for consumption during young pregnancy, because they contain vitamin C and folate which are very good for the health of pregnant women and their fetuses.

The content of vitamin C in oranges is useful for helping the absorption of iron and functions as an antioxidant that can prevent cell damage due to free radicals. Meanwhile, the high water content in oranges can prevent dehydration during pregnancy.

4. Mango

The next choice of fruit for young pregnant women is mango. The reason is because mangoes contain vitamin C and vitamin A which are useful for increasing endurance and preventing diarrhea during pregnancy.

Not only that, there are also several other fruits that are suitable for young pregnant women, for example apples, bananas, tomatoes, pears and kiwi. However, make sure the fruit is washed thoroughly using running water before consumption. This aims to remove germs and dirt, including toxoplasma which can endanger the health of the fetus.

In addition to supplementing fruit intake, it is also important to adopt a balanced nutritional diet to support the health of the mother and baby in the womb.

In early pregnancy, consume various types of fruit for young pregnant women as mentioned above. If necessary, ask your doctor about other fruit choices that are good for consumption during pregnancy.

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